: Lorna Ritz
Lorna Ritz received a BFA from Pratt Institute, and an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. She has taught at the Rhode Island School of Design, Brown University, the University of Minnesota, Dartmouth College, and was a “Guest Critic” at the Vermont Studio Center from 1991–2013. Lorna has been an adjunct professor at Western New England University since 2004 and is an Associate Member of the Five Colleges Inc. in Amherst, Massachusetts.
15×22 in
“The Holyoke Mountain Range of 7 peaks is one of the only east-west axis mountain ranges in this country, formed by glaciers. I am obsessed by these sensuous mountains; one can reach out to pet them, as they are like large animals that rise up and back down again, (as fast moving cloud shadows and sunlight fall on them). I look to nature for the essence of space, which is always alive and moving. How I place shapes together is the construction of the work, ‘where’ they exist in space in relationship to each other. I look for light, presence, mood, feeling. My drawings ‘sing’ through the light that emanates from the seasonal color combinations themselves.”