Barry Moser: The Holy Bible
If one looks back through the history of printing, many of the most lavish and ambitious projects have been Bibles in which the world’s greatest typographers, printers, and illustrators have allied to create a work of art worthy of a sacred text. Despite this rich tradition, the twentieth century has witnessed no major Bible in which both the New and Old Testaments were illustrated by a single artist. As we neared the end of the millennium, one of the world’s greatest living illustrators and bookmen focused his efforts on the book which has made the greatest impact on Western civilization.
Barry Moser put himself through college as a Methodist preacher. While his calling to the ministry did not last, he retained a love and interest in the Bible. Moser’s 4 year labor of love has culminated in his magnum opus, the Pennyroyal Caxton Bible, the first Bible fully illustrated by one individual since Gustave Doré’s La Sainte Bible of 1865.
Pennyroyal Caxton Edition of The Holy Bible
Signed by Barry Moser
Also available, a limited number of 1st Edition Patron’s Copies of The Holy Bible – ($350.00) – this is a high quality signed trade edition, with reproductions of the 232 original relief engravings found in the Pennyroyal Caxton edition.
Please contact the gallery for information on purchasing a copy of the Pennyroyal Caxton Edition of The Holy Bible, the 1st Edition Patron’s Copy of The Holy Bible, as well as individual illustrations.
Learn More
Watch A Thief Among the Angels: Barry Moser and The Making of The Pennyroyal Caxton Bible on Amazon
The Books of the Old Testament
The Books of Moses
7.75×7.25 in
7.25×7.5 in
12×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5 x7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
4.5×3.25 in
5.25×3.25 in
5.25×3.25 in
4.25×35 in
5.75×7.25 in
5.125×3.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
3×7.25 in
4.5×3.5 in
7.625×3.5 in
6.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
7.25×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
3.75×3.5 in
3.75×3.5 in
3.75×3.5 in
11.5×7.25 in
5.5×7.25 in
6.75×3.25 in
7.625×3.5 in
7.5×3.5 in
2.75×7,25 in
7×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
5.5×7.25 in
5.5×7.25 in
11.50 x 7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
The Books of History
4×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
5.75×7.25 in
5×3.5 in
11.5×7.25 in
5.75×3.5 in
7.125×7.25 in
7.125×7.25 in
11.37×7.25 in
12×7.25 in
First Samuel
6.125×7.25 in
7.37×3.5 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
6×7.25 in
4.25×7.25 in
6×7 in
4.25×7 in
Second Samuel
11.5×7 in
8.75×7 in
7.5X7.25 in
11.5×7 in
First Kings
11.5×7.25 in
5.75×7 in
4.25×3.50 in
4.25×3.25 in
9.25×3.5 in
Second Kings
5.75×6 in
11.5×7 in
5.875×7.25 in
4.25×7 in
First Chronicles
5.5×3.5 in
5.5×3.25 in
5,5×3.5 in
6×3.5 in
11.5×7 in
6×7 in
Second Chronicles
6×3.5 in
6×7 in
6×7 in
5.5×3.5 in
6×3.5 in
6×3.5 in
5.15×7 in
11.5×7.25 in
6.75×7.25 in
9×3 in
The Books of Poetry
5.75×3.5 in
5.75×3.5 in
5.25×3.5 in
11.5×7.25 in
5.5×3.5 in
5.25×3.5 in
5.5×3.5 in
8.5×7.25 in
8.5×7.25 in
4.75×3.25 in
5.25×3.5 in
5.25×3.5 in
4.625×3.37 in
5.875×3.5 in
5.125×3.37 in
5.125×3.5 in
11.5×7.25 in
4.875×3.5 in
5.5×3.5 in
5.37×3.5 in
5.75×3.5 in
12×7 in
-5.125×3.5 in
11.5X7.25 in
d-2.75×7.23 in
4.875×7.25 in
5.75×3.5 in
11.5×7.25 in
Song of Songs
11.5×7.25 in
The Books of Prophecy
11.5×7.25 in
7.5×7.25 in
5.5×7 in
6.5×3.5 in
11.5×7.25 in
5.125×7.25 in
7.5×7.25 in
-5.25×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
9.25×3.5 in
12×7.5 in
6,25×7.25 in
5×3.37 in
4.625×3.5 in
4.625×3.5 in
5.25×7.25 in
5.25×7.25 in
9.25×3.5 in
11.5×7.25 in
7.25×7.25 in
4×7.25 in
5.875×3.37 in
5.875×3.37 in
6.125×3.5 in
11.50×7.25 in
9.125×3.375 in
11.5×7.25 in
5.75×7.25 in
4.25×7.25 in
11.5×7 in
The Minor Prophets
7.25×7.25 in
11.625×7.37 in
4.875×7.25 in
6.125×3.37 in
5.25X3.50 in
7.37×7.37 in
5.625×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
6.75×7.25 in
11.625×7.37 in
The Books of the New Testament
The Four Gospels
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.75×7.25 in
11×7 in
11×7 in
11.5×7 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
12×7.25 in
12×7.25 in
12×7.25 in
12×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
The Acts of the Apostles
11.5×7.37 in
5.25×7.25 in
4.25×7.25 in
5×3.37 in
6.5×3.37 in
7.75×7.25 in
4.25×7.25 in
The Epistles
6.75×7.25 in
6.75×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
5×3.625 in
4.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
5.25×3.5 in
5×7.25 in
4.25×7.25 in
9×3.5 in
11.5×7 in
5×7 in
6.25×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
11.5×7.25 in
6×7.25 in
6.125×3.37 in
11.75×7 in
11.625×7.25 in
These large format works were done in conjunction with the Bible project
24×18 in
24×18 in
24×18 in
24×18 in
29×17 in
24×14 in
29×17 in
16×22.5 in
The Lovers
36×23 in
Behold the Man
36×23 in