Illustrations from the trade edition published by the University of California Press and the fine press edition published by Pennyroyal Press in 1986. View the Pennyroyal Press Edition here.
The Field of Poppies 15×11.25 in
King of the Winged Monkeys 8.5×8.5 in
The Gate To The Emerald City 8×8 in
The Witch of the North 6×6 in
The Lion’s Courage 6.75×4.75 in
Boq 6×4.25 in
Cyclone 8.25×5.75 in
The Yellow Brick Road in Munchkin Country 9×4.5 in
The Yellow Brick Road in the Green Country 9×4.5 in
The Castle of the Wicked Witch 9×6.75 in
Dorothy in the Golden Cap 5×5 in
The Humbug Wizard 5.5×5.5 in
The Mouse Queen 4.5×4.5 in
The Humbug Wizard (not used) 5.25×5.25 in
Gifts of the Winkies 3×6 in
The River 3.25×6.75 in
The Scarecrow on the Pole in the River 3.5×7.5 in
The Tin Woodman’s Gold and Silver Axe 2.5×8 in
The Wizard Unmasked 9×7 in
Mr. Joker 7×5.5 in
Omby Amby 9.5×7.25 in
Hammerhead 7×5.25 in
The Guardian of the Gate 6.5×6.5 in
The King Crow 3×3 in
The Delicate China Maid 3×3 in
Kalidah 6.5×6.5 in
The Thick Wood of Fighting Trees 9×4.5 in
The Demise of the Wicked Witch of the West 7.5×5 in