Neil Waldman

Neil Waldman’s paintings are included in many prestigious collections around the world. His oils and watercolors may be seen in the capital buildings of more than a dozen nations, as well as in numerous major corporations.
His works have garnered him many awards and honors. Most notable among these is a gold medal he received from the United Nations in a closed international competition in which he was chosen to represent the United States. The world body selected his entry as the official poster for the International Year of Peace. Today it hangs in the halls of the General Assembly. Waldman is also the founder and director of The Fred Dolan Art Academy.
Oct 14-31 2022
Oct 15-31 2021
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Watch Neil Waldman and The Fred Dolan Art Academy graduates
Watch Dream School, about The Fred Dolan Art Academy, an academy that offers low-income youth in the 6th through 12 grades the opportunity to undergo serious artistic training. Participants spend each Saturday developing their skills in hopes of gaining acceptance to college art programs and eventually becoming professional painters, illustrators, architects, animators and graphic designers.