Fine Art Gallery, Art Restoration, & Picture Framing
Barbara McClintock
Olivier Dunrea
Aaron Becker
Juana Martinez-Neal
Lauren Castillo
Jerry Pinkney
Jason Chin
This year we will celebrate our 45th anniversary and be hosting our 35th Annual Illustration Celebration. In that time we have seen our artists garner 16 Caldecott Medals and 37 Caldecott Honor Awards. We are proud to be recognized as the premier gallery for picture book illustration and the first venue in the country to feature illustration on an equal footing with “fine art.”
Our Annual Illustration Celebration reception for 2024 was on November 3rd from 4-6pm. If you missed it, you can see pictures of it and our previous Celebrations here! Come back for more information or join the email list here to get updates!
Still not convinced? Here are 35 REASONS why you should come see the exhibit
Read the Globe Magazine Feature about us!
This Northampton Gallery Takes Children’s Book Illustrations Seriously
Read the Arts&Ideas feature About Us!
Mo Willems
Dr. Seuss
Virginia Lee Burton
Jules Feiffer
Ian Falconer
The Horn Book Collection
Jason Chin
Olivier Dunrea
Vladimir Radunsky
Aaron Becker
Ekua Holmes
Jerry Pinkney
R.W. Alley
Micha Archer
David Macaulay
Bryan Collier
Carson Ellis
Douglas Florian
Robin Preiss Glasser
Peter Sís
Matthew Cordell
Erin Stead
Philip Stead
Sydney Smith
Jon J Muth
Mark Teague
Marc Brown
Raul Colón
Rosemary Wells
Juana Martinez-Neal
Lauren Castillo
Joe Cepeda
Yuyi Morales
Cyndy Szekeres
Barbara McClintock
Mordicai Gerstein
James Marshall
Mike Curato
Ed Young
Gerald McDermott
Grace Lin
Eric Carle
Ezra Jack Keats
E.B. Lewis
Uri Shulevitz
Maurice Sendak
Chris Raschka
Leo & Diane Dillon
Barry Moser
Brian Pinkney
Emily Arnold McCully
Kate Feiffer
Wendell Minor
David Small
Marcia Brown
Alice Provensen
Trina Schart Hyman
Lauren Mills
Dennis Nolan
Diane deGroat
Jane Dyer
Brooke Dyer
Tomie dePaola
Gordon C. James
Alexandra Day
Karla Gudeon
Eric Velasquez
David Diaz
John Bemelmans Marciano
William Steig
Scott Fischer
Gary Clement
Kathryn Brown
Ruth Sanderson
Hilary Price
Neil Waldman
Doris Ettlinger
Mary Azarian
Zachary Pullen
Edel Rodriguez
Ron Mazellan
N.M. Bodecker
Erik Blegvad
Rebecca Guay
Alix Delinois
Bruce Whately
G. Brian Karas
Thomas & Friends
Seymour Chwast
H.A. Rey
Jane Breskin Zalben
Jackie Urbanovic
Michael Hague
Thomas Locker
Jan Brett
Kevin Eastman & Simon Bisley
Illustration Show Photos
Children’s Illustration Prints
R. Michelson Galleries Mural Process
R. Michelson Galleries Award for Lifetime Contribution to Children’s Literacy