Jane Dyer: Once There Was A Story
Written by Jane Yolen and Illustrated by Jane Dyer
Lazy Jack (England)
Jack Lived With His Mother
6.5×8 in
Jack Hoisted the Donkey
3.75×5 in
She Began to Laugh
3.5×7 in
A Happy Ever After
3.25×3.25 in
The Little Red Hen (England)
A Little Red Hen
4.25×5.5 in
Not I
1×4 in
Who Will Help Me Cut It?
1.375×2.75 in
Who Will Help Me Thresh It?
2×4 in
I Shall Thresh it Myself
3.5×4 in
I Shall Carry it There Myself
1.5×2 in
I Will
7.625×11.5 in
I Shall Eat It
2.25×2.5 in
Share the Work
1×6.5 in
The Little Old Lady Who Lost Her Dumpling (Japan)
Preparing Dumplings
5.25×7.75 in
Long Ago
1x .875 in
Where is that Dumpling
1.5×1.5 in
The Giant Oni Came Stomping By
6×8 in
She Began to Row
3×7.5 in
Magic Paddles Making Rice
1.75×3 in
The Bremen Town Musicians (Germany/Brothers Grimm)
He Ran Off
5.5×9 in
There Was Once…
1.625×1 in
A Hunting Dog
1.375×3.75 in
Come With Us To Bremen
3.5×8 in
There Was A Rooster
1.25×1.25 in
They Tucked in For the Night
3×6 in
The Four Hungry Musicians
2.25×7.5 in
Tops and Bottoms (Africa/America)
Bear and Hare Were Friends
1.125×1 in
Bear Came By and Inspected
3.25×7.5 in
2×1.5 in
A Hare or A Man
3×4 in
The Old Woman and Her Pig (England)
Piggy Wouldn’t Go Over the Stile
5.75×8 in
Once an Old Woman
1×1 in
Dog, Bite Pig
.75×3.5 in
But Butcher Wouldn’t
9.375×4 in
Rat, Gnaw Rope
3.5×5.5 in
Cat, Kill Rat
4.25×9 in
The Hardy Get Tough
2.25×8 in
Stone Soup (France/Portugal)
A Soldier Marched Wearily
6×8.5 in
Once Upon A Time
1×1.25 in
Enough Water To Fill the Kettle
3.25×7.5 in
The Butcher’s Wife Took A Spoon
3.5×7.25 in
A Stone in the Pot
1.625×1.5 in
Rosechild (Jane Yolen)
Nestled in the Petals
4×4.5 in
A Cradle From A Walnut
.5x.75 in
How Shall My Rosechild Grow?
7.125×4 in
The Old Woman Cried
5×8 in
1.75×2.125 in
What A Growing Child Needs
1.625×2 in
The Lion and the Mouse (Greece/Aesop)
The King of the Jungle
4.75×9.25 in
Long Ago in Far-Off Africa
1.5×1.125 in
He Fell Right To Sleep
6.25×4.5 in
A Lion, A Mouse, A Resolution
3×3.25 in
The Mean Tiger and the Hare (Korea)
When Tigers Still Lived
1×1.5 in
A Magnificent Tiger
3.5×4.5 in
Meaness Finds Its Own Reward
1.375×3 in
The Grasshopper and the Ant (Greece/Aesop)
He Fiddled and Danced
4.25×8.25 in
Sing and Dance Your Days Away
1.75×2 in
The Ugly Duckling (Denmark/ Hans Christian Andersen)
Once Upon A Time
1.125×1 in
Why Are You So Different
3.25×9.5 in
The Ugly Duckling’s Gone
2.5×2.5 in
The Tortoise and the Hare (Greece/Aesop)
Watch Me Go!
5.75×8.5 in
Once Upon A Time
1×1.25 in
He Fell Asleep in the Sun
3.75×8.75 in
Slow and Steady
1.625×5.25 in
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse (Greece/Aesop)
Once A City Mouse…
1.125×1 in
Eating A Lot Fulfills Some Dreams
2.875×4 in
Plip, Plop (Tibet)
Three Rabbits Lived By A Lake
5.75×8.5 in
In Ancient Tibet
1.125x .5 in
The Fox Might Have Been Sly
.75×2.75 in
Plip-Plop is Coming
1.5×7.5 in
The Worst Thing That We Fear
5×10 in
The Hen and the Big, Bad Fox (Ireland)
Oh Mother of Mine
6×7.5 in
Once A Plump Little Hen…
1×1 in
A Rascally Plan
4×4.25 in
You Won’t Catch Me Up Here
.5×1 in
Into the Fox’s Bag
2.5×7.5 in
Be Careful Around Hidden Stones
2.5×6.25 in
Noah’s Ark (Israel/Old Testament)
Build An Ark
4.75×7.75 in
On and On They Came
.625×6 in
Send the Beasts Out
3.5×7.5 in
All Things Were Fine
3.25×5.25 in
The Sow, The Mare, and the Cow (Jane Yolen)
They Lived Together On A Farm
5.5×7.5 in
Not So Very Long Ago
1×1 in
Back to Back
2×2 in
All Three Spent the Night
4.25×7.25 in
She Lived A Long and Carefree Life
3×3.25 in
Live the Life That Makes Most Sense
2×5.25 in
The Determined Tortoise and the World’s Wisdom (West Africa)
He Went East and He Went West
3.25×6 in
Once in the Long Ago
1.25×1.125 in
He Hauled Himself Up
5.5×2 in
Wisdom is Never Confirmed
3.75×6 in
Silly Wishes (Sweden)
A Young Woman as Lovely as Day
4.75×8 in
Once Long Ago
1×1.125 in
The Sausage in the Pan
.75×2.5 in
A Sausage on the End of My Nose
1.375×1.25 in
Wishes Are Fine
2×3 in
The Shoemaker and the Elves (Germany)
A Poor Shoemaker
4.25×7 in
There Was Once
1.25x.875 in
They Got Right To Work
.75×2.75 in
Boots So Beautifully Sewn
1.25×1.25 in
A Kindness Done
4×3.125 in
The Golden Goose (Germany/Brothers Grimm)
Cider Cake and Warm Water
2×2 in
From Where You Were To Where You Are
5.5×10 in
Hans, Klaus and Dummling
4.25×6 in
Keep Away!
3.25×7.5 in
Once There Was A Man
1.125×1 in
Trotting One After Another
2.375×7.25 in
The Merman’s Sock (Denmark)
Hans Put Out to Sea
6×7.5 in
It Was A Cold Winter’s Day
1.125x.5 in
This Fish Tale Ends
2.625×4.75 in
Up Popped The Same Old Merman
4.5×7.25 in
The Sweet Porridge Pot (Germany/Brothers Grimm)
The Little Pot Kept Cooking
3.5×7.5 in
This is No Ordinary Pot
1.5×2 in
There Was Once A Poor Little Girl
1.25×1 in
She Walked Through the Woods
5.75×7.5 in
Magic Has Rules
2.5×5.75 in
The Two Neighbors (France)
At the Spinning Wheel
1.125×1.5 in
Once in Old France
1.25×1.125 in
One Letter Between Flea and Flee
2×2 in
Opposite Sides of A Country Lane
5.5×7.5 in
The Jar of Coins
1×1 in
Stonecutter (Japan)
He Cut Slabs
5×8 in
He Was A Gray Cloud
.75×2 in
If Only I Were That Rock
.75×1.5 in
If Only I Were The Sun
1.125×1.375 in
Once Long Ago
1×1 in
Sometimes Best is What is Known
2.75×3.5 in
How Anansi Spider Got All His Stories (Africa)
Anansi Spider Loved Stories
5.5×7.5 in
Once, Sky God Nyame
1.125×1.125 in
Python Agreed to be Tied
1.5×9 in
Anansi Tied Leopard Firmly
3.875×8 in
Caught Fast in the Sticky Web
2×4.5 in
An Empty Calabash
1.375×3.75 in
The Doll Still Didn’t Reply
4×3.375 in
Mmoatia Struck the Gum Doll
1.625×4.5 in
Find A Spider Without Fail
.625×1.25 in
Frog Prince (Germany/Brothers Grimm)
At Their Long Table for Dinner
4.625×2.5 in
Feed Me As You Promised
1×3.5 in
One Evening
1.25×1 in
The Best Kind of Promise
3×5.25 in
Ali’s Wretched Sack
Ali Was Walking Along the Road
4.5×7 in
Good Returns A Happy Mood
3.25×4 in
Once A Man Named Ali
1×1 in
Brave Marietta (Italy)
A Kind Word, A Bit of Oil
3.125×5 in
He Waved His Wand
4×7.25 in
His Little Daughter and His Pear Tree
5×5.5 in
In Old Italy
1.25x.5 in
The Ogress’s Palace
3.125×6.25 in
Work in the Kitchen
1×1.25 in
How the Fox Got His Tail (Unpublished)
Fox Was Taken Care Of, Outtake
4.625×7.25 in
Fox Was Cunning, Outtake
3.25×7.25 in
A Tail For Fox
2.125×3.75 in
Every Fox Has A Tail, Outtake
1.125×1.5 in
Once Upon A Time, Outtake
1×1.125 in