R.W. Alley: Paddington Comes to America Exhibition
A Bear Called Paddington V1
Sitting on His Suitcase
4×4 in
Good Afternoon, It Said
9.5×12 in
First Met Paddington on a Railway Platform
9.5×18.25 in
Bears is Extra
6.75×8.25 in
Sticky Bears is Twice as Much
6.5×9.25 in
They Arrived at Winsor Gardens
9.5×16 in
Filling the Bath
5.5×8.5 in
Shaving Cream
4×6.5 in
Paddington Had Never Been in a Bathroom Before
6.5×9 in
He Looked So Clean
9.5×18.5 in
A Bear Called Paddington V2
Cover Illustration
6.5×6 in
First Met Paddington on a Railway Platform
11×10.75 in
He Looked So Clean
6.5×8 in
The Browns Made Room for Him
10×10.75 in
Paddington and the Christmas Surprise
Onto the Escalator
9.5×9.5 in
We’ve Had Lines Outside Our Door
9.5×9.5 in
Paddington and the Grand Tour
Paddington Saw a Crowd Approaching
4×8 in
Everyone On the Bus
9×8 in
Waiting for the Bus
3.5×3 in
Paddington Watched in Dismay
8.75×8.75 in
Mr. Gruber Showed Paddington Photographs
7.25×8.5 in
Photographs of the Places He Wanted to Visit
7×7 in
Paddington at the Tower
Paddington at the Tower Cover
5.5×6.5 in
The Imperial Crown of India
9.5×7.25 in
Paddington Here and Now
It’s Called the London Eye
5×4.5 in
Pointed Out Many of the Important Landmarks
6×6.5 in
Knowledgeable About Antiques
3×3 in
Whats Happening Mr. Gruber
3×4 in
Paddington Races Ahead
He Reached His Dressing Table Mirror
3×3.25 in
He Kept Shaking His Fist
5.75×3.5 in
Paddington Sets Sail
He Was Ready for Anything
9.75×12.5 in
So Happy to Have Paddington Back
9.5×12.5 in
Paddington at the Circus
Climbing the Pole and Carrying an Ice Cream
9.5×18.5 in
Ice Cream Trapeze
7×18.5 in
The Ice Cream Plop
9.5×18 in
Paddington and the Marmalade Maze
Hall of Portraits
4×5.5 in
Queen Anne Used to Sleep In It
3.5×5.5 in
The Great Vine
5.75×10.5 in
Paddington at the Palace
Paddington Couldn’t See a Thing
7×11.5 in
He Stood to Attention
5×5.25 in
This Guard is so Good He Doesn’t Need Changing
5×5 in
Wave His Flag
3.25×2.5 in
They Left the Palace
7.25×5.75 in
Paddington Bear Goes to Market
First in Line for a Morning Bun
6.5×7.25 in
You’re Sure to Know It’s Paddington
6.5×7.25 in
Paddington in the Garden
All Three Set to Work I
3×4 in
All Three Set to Work II
3×4 in
All Three Set to Work III
3.25×3.5 in
Paddington at Windsor Gardens
8×9.25 in
Paddington at the Fair
They Came Shooting Back Down
7×8 in
I Shall Call the Goldfish Hampstead
5×5 in
Carnival Toss
5×5 in
Paddington at the Zoo
It Was Such a Loud Roar
5×11 in
His Third Sandwich Disappeared
6.25×11.25 in
Paddington’s Busy Day
Hard at Work Making Pastry
6.5×8.5 in
Paddington Goes to the Hospital
Mr. Brown Reads
4.5×3.25 in
I’ve Hurt My Shoulder
4.5×5.5 in
Ms. Bird Calls the Doctor
8.5×9.25 in
The Break
5×4.5 in
I Haven’t Even Had Time for my Elevenses
4×6.5 in
Paddington Gets a Shot
8.5×8 in
Paddington’s Supper
7×18.5 in
Paddington Minds the House
He Put the Hose on the Wrong End
6.25×10.25 in
Paddington the Artist
I May Paint a Family Portrait Now
6.75×11.5 in
They Came Across Some Paintings
4.5×11.25 in
The Paddington Treasury
Cover for The Paddington Treasury
7×8 in