Fine Art Gallery, Art Restoration, & Picture Framing
Illustration Show Photos
35th Annual Children’s Illustration Celebration
November 3, 2024 – Sunday 4-6pm
From left to right, front row: Heidi Stemple, Barbara McClintock, Artemis Roehrig, Carol Weis, Richard Michelson, Diane deGroat, Jane Yolen, Mara Rockliff. Second Row: Luisana Duarte Armendariz, Aaron Becker, David Macaulay, David Johnson, Jane Dyer Jane Breskin Zalben, Emily McCully, Corinne Demas, Shelly Rotner, Brian Pinkney, Gloria Pinkney, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Nancy Sippel Carpenter. Third row: Kari Allen, Sara Levine, Ellen Mayer, Rosemary Wells, Holly Thompson, Kathryn Brown, Leslea Newman, G. Brian Karas. Back row: Bob Marstall, Micha Archer, Bryan Collier, Raul Colon.
From left to right, front row: Mara Rockliff, Diane de Groat, Richard Michelson, Carol Weis, Artemis Roehrig. Barbara Elleman Second row: Gloria Jean Pinkney, Ekua Holmes, Olivier Dunrea, Lauren Castillo, Rosemary Wells, G. Brian Karas, Nancy Carpenter, Lauren Mills, Carol Munro, Emily Arnold Mccully, Michelle Cusolito, Leslea Newman, Sara Levine, Jane Dyer, Jane Breskin Zalben, Corinne Demas, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Jane Yolen. Back Row: Brian Pinkney, Ben Gundersheimer, Raúl Colón, Aaron Becker, Bob Alley, Hayley Rocco, John Rocco, Bryan Collier, Kate Feiffer, Kathryn Brown, Suzy Levinson, Barbara McClintock, David Johnson
From left to right, front row: Micha Archer, Diane deGroat, Mira Bartok, Richard Michelson, Mara Rockliff, Heidi Stemple. Second row: Hannah Moushabeck, Nancy Carpenter, Jane Yolen, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Leslea Newman, Elizabeth O. Dulemba, Ekua Holmes, Kathryn Brown, Jane Dyer, Barbara Elleman, Rosemary Wells. Back “row”: Bob Marstall, Raúl Colón, Philip Stead, Jason Chin, Mark Teague Megan Dowd Lambert, Lauren Mills.
Front Row: Kate Woodle, Heidi Stemple, Shelly Rotner, Richard Michelson, Diane deGroat, Jeanne Birdsall, (up) Jane Dyer, Florence Friedmann Minor, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Carol Weis, Mira Bartok, Kate Feiffer. Second Row: R.O.Blechman, Stephen Mooser, Lin Oliver, Priscilla Alpaugh Cotter, Laurie Krasny Brown, Emily Arnold McCully, Jane Yolen, Leslea Newman, Bobbie Reno, Megan Down Lambert, Barbara Elleman, Corinne Demas, Zoe Alley, Artemis Roehrig, Grace Lin, Third Row: Peter Sis, Joe Mathieu, David Macauley, Jon J. Muth, Jason Hart, Ruth Sanderson, Marc Brown, Elizabeth Zunan, Ellen Wittlinger, Wendell Minor, Nancy Sippel Carpenter, Bryan Collier, Lauren Mills, Kathryn Brown, Neil Waldman, Bob Alley, Mark Teague Back Row: Barbara Ann Mojica, Jeff Mack, Victor Ramon Mojica, Raul Colon, Paul DuBois Jacobs, Bob Marstall, Dennis Nolan.
Front row: Priscilla Alpaugh Cotter, Karen Romagna, Shelly Rotner, Diane deGroat, Rich Michelson, Norton Juster, Jeanne Birdsall, Lisa Yee, Florence Friedmann Minor, Carol Weis, Mark Teague, Liz Goulet Dubois, Grace Lin Second row: Jerry Pinkney, Beth Ann Bogert, Doris Ettlinger, Kristen Balouch, Lisa Falkenstern, Lesley Breen Withrow, Rob Dunleavy, Erin Stead, Philip Stead, Yoshi Kogo, Emily Arnold McCully, Barbara Diamond Golden, Jane Dyer, Leslea Newman, Ellen Wittlinger, Mordicai Gerstein, Kate Feiffer, Bob Marstall, Barbara McClintock, Jarrett Kosoczka, Robin Preiss Glasser, Tony DiTerlizzi, Angela DiTerlizzi, R.W. Alley, Amanda Putnam Third row: Nancy Sippel Carpenter, Meg Sodano, Micha Archer, Jason Hart, Raul Colon, Wendell Minor, Brian Lies, Gordon C. James
Front Row Barbara Diamond Goldin, Zoe Alley, Jeanne Birdsall, Richard Michelson, Anne Wert, Shelley Rotner, Diane deGroat, Florence Minor, Norton Juster (seated), Nicole Tadgell, Carol Weis, Astrid Scheckles, Second Row Jeff Mack, Ellen Wittlinger, Kate Woodle, Kristen Balouch, Lesley Breen Withrow, Lisa Yee, Heidi Stemple, Jane Dyer, Gloria Jean Pinkney, Jane Breskin Zalben, Emily McCulley, Jane Yolen, Wendell Minor, Mike Curato, Bob Marstall, Michael Hays, Nancy Sippel Carpenter, Elizabeth Finney, Jeanette Bradley, Melanie Chan, Sigrid Schmalzer, Artemis Roehrig, Corrine Demas Third Row Devon Kondaki, Jerry Pinkney, Raul Colon, Barbara McClintock, Kathryn Brown, Mordicai Gerstein, David Hyde Costello Fourth Row R. W. Alley, David Wiesner, Mark Teague, Mo Willems, Rebecca Guay.
Front Row: Heidi Stemple, Elizabeth Alba, Astrid Sheckles, Karen Romagna, Pat Schories, Shelley Rotner, Richard Michelson, Jeanne Birdsall, Carol Weis, Mordicai Gerstein, Brian Pinkney Second Row: Dan Sadlowski, Ruth Sanderson, Luis Ramos, Jackie Urbanovic, Milanka Reardon, Molly Burnham, Katherine Patterson, Lisa Yee, Gloria Jean Pinkney, Jerry Pinkney, Diane deGroat, Norton Juster, Jane Yolen, Emily McCully, Susan Pearson, Alice Schertle, Patricia MacLachlan, Jane Dyer, Third Row: Mary Jane Begin, Sean Wang, Brook Gideon, Marla Garnsworthy, Nancy Sippel Carpenter, Jane Breskin Zalben, Barbara McClintock, Nancy Armo, Hazel Mitchell, Doris Ettlinger, Sara Levine, Lisa Falkenstern, Leslea Newman, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Corinne Demas, Zoe Alley, Marianne Plumridge, Fourth Row: Jon J Muth, Hilary Price, Jennifer Morris, Jason Hart, Brian Lies, Kathryn Brown, Megan Dowd Lambert, Beth Bogert, Paul DuBois Jacobs, Jarrett J Krosoczka, Bob Eggleton, Kate Feiffer, R.W. Alley, Fifth Row: Mo Willems, Rebecca Guay, Meg Sodano, Kevin Barry, Russ Cox, David Hyde Costello, Bob Marstall.
Front Row: Rebecca Guay, Grace Lin, Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Lisa Yee, Ruth Sanderson, Jeanne Birdsall, Richard Michelson, Shelley Rotner, Diane deGroat, Carol Weis, Mira Bartok Second Row: Bobbie Reno, Jackie Urbanovic, Brook Gideon, Marlo Garnsworthy, Barbara McClintock, Norton Juster, Florence Minor, Emily McCully, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Lesléa Newman, Mordicai Gerstein, Gloria Pinkney, Jerry Pinkney, Tony DiTerlizzi, Angela DiTerlizzi Third Row: Kevin Barry, Susan Hood, Kate Feiffer, Wendell Minor, Megan Dowd Lambert, Ellen Wittlinger Back Row: Sean Wang, Paul Dubois Jacobs, Jon J Muth, Scott Fischer, Mo Willems, Jane Schoenberg, Nancy Sippel Carpenter, Barry Moser, Kathryn Brown, Jane Dyer, Bob Marstall
Front Row: Grace Lin, Karen Romagna , Shelley Rotner, Richard Michelson, Dianne deGroat, Carol Weiss, Jennifer Rosner, Jeanne Birdsall, Sarah Levine, Florence Minor, Mordicai Gerstein Second Row: Julius Lester, Jerry Pinkney, Gloria Jean Pinkney, Marlo Garnsworthy , Kelley Light, Emily Arnold McCully, Jane Yolen, Burleigh Muten, Corinne Demas, Elizabeth Zunon, Jane Dyer, Barry Moser, Heidi Stemple, David Milgrim, Ekua Holmes, Marc Brown. Third Row: Bobbie Reno, Brian Pinkney, Lesley Breen Withrow, Carlyn Beccia, Doris Ettlinger, Lisa Falkenstern, M.P. Barker, Barbara McClintock, Kate Feiffer, Kathryn Brown, Marty Kelley, Mo Willems, Jon J Muth, Wendell Minor, Jeff Mack, Tony DiTerlizzi, Jarrett J. Krosoczka Back Row: Steven Withrow, Kevin Barry, Teri Weidner, Michael Kuch, Scott Fischer, Sean Wang, Angela DiTerlizzi, Astrid Sheckels, Bob Marstall
Front Row: David Hyde Costello, Shelley Rotner, Barbara McClintock, Dianne deGroat, Jeanne Birdsall, Carol Weiss, Rebecca Guay, Heidi Stemple. Second Row: Marc Brown, Burleigh Muten, Marlo Garnsworthy, Leonard S. Marcus, Sara Levine, Mordicai Gerstein, Norton Juster, Thomas Wartenberg, Chris Van Allsburg, Tony DiTerlizzi, Barry Moser. Third Row: Jane Dyer, Ruth Sanderson, Lesley Breen Withrow, Neil Waldman, Jeff Mack, Jeannine Atkins, Brian Lies, Nancy Sippel, Hazel G Mitchell, Jane Schoenberg, Bob Marstall. Back Row: Raul Colón, Ellen Wittinger, Paul DuBois Jacobs, David Bird, Russ Cox, Teri Weidner, Scott Fischer, Kate Feiffer, Kathy Brown.
Front Row: Ruth Sanderson, Barbara McClintock, Florence Minor, Diane deGroat, Shelley Rotner, Heidi Stemple, Barbara Diamond Goldin , Carol Weis, Rebecca Guay. Second Row: Anita Silvey, Burleigh Muten, Marc Brown, Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Wendell Minor, Norton Juster, Richard Michelson, Barry Moser, Jane Dyer, Kelly Light, Jane Yolen, Nancy Sippel Carpenter, Nonny Hogrogian. Third Row: Hazel Mitchell, Mo Willems, Kate Feiffer, Dennis Nolan, Amy Gordon, Lauren Mills, Ellen Wittlinger, Kathryn Brown, Mira Bartok, Bob Marstall, David Milgrim, David Kherdian. Back Row: Paul Dubois Jacobs, David Johnson, G. Brian Karas, Russ Cox, Scott Fischer, David Hyde Costello
Front Row: Paul Jacobs, Rebecca Guay, Diane deGroat, Richard Michelson, Karla Gudeon, Sara Levine, Carol Weis, Angela DiTerlizzi, Heidi Stemple. Second Row: Steven Withrow, Lesley Breen Withrow, Jennifer Swender, Jane Yolen, Jane Dyer, Barry Moser, Burleigh Muten, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Lesleá Newman, Kathy Brown, Tony DiTerlizzi. Third Row: Wendell Minor, Jules Feiffer, Raul Colón, David Hyde Costello, Neil Waldman. Back Row: Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Tom Warburton, Scott Fischer, Mo Willems, Bob Marstall, David Milgrim
Front Row: Jane Dyer, Heidi Stemple, Mo Willems, Jeannie Birdsall, Shelley Rotner, Diane deGroat, Rebecca Guay, Burleigh Muten, and Richard Michelson. Second Row: Angela DiTelizzi, Hillary Price, Tony DiTerlizzi, Lesley Breen Withrow, Ruth Sanderson, Jennifer Swender, Eric Velasquez, Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Norton Juster, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Margerite Davol, Nonny Hogrogian. Third Row: Paul Jacobs, Kate Feiffer, Ellen Wittlinger, Linda Graves, Susan Pearson, Alice Schertle, Jane Yolen, Nancy Carpenter, Carol Weiss. Back Row: Gary Lippincott, David Milgrim, Raul Colón, David Hyde Costello, David Kherdian, Scott Fischer, Mordicai Gerstein, Neil Waldman, Bob Marstall, Barry Moser, Kathy Brown, Wendell Minor.
Front Row: Heidi Stemple, Rebecca Guay, Jane Dyer, Jeannie Birdsall, Diane deGroat, Barbara Diamond Goldin, Nonny Hogrogian, Susan Yard Harris. Second Row: Brooke Dyer, Shelley Rotner, Norton Juster, Jane Yolen, Lesléa Newman, Brian Karas, Barry Moser, Susan Pearson, Anna Alter, Alice Schertle. Third Row: Wendell Minor, Jeff Mack, Rich Michelson, Kathy Brown, Nancy Sippel Carpenter, Jeannine Atkins, David Kherdian. Back Row: Carol Weiss, Mo Willems, Scott Fischer, Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Mordicai Gerstein, Paul Jacobs.
Front Row: David Costello, Diane deGroat, Linda Graves, Shelly Rotner, Peg Davol, Amy Gordon, Yoshi. Second Row: Jeanne Birdsall, Mordicai Gerstein. Third Row: David Milgrim, Jane Yolen, Ruth Sanderson, Corinne Demas, Kathy Brown, Jane Dyer, Barry Moser, Angela DiTerlizzi, Leslea Newman, Barbara Diamond Goldin. Back Row: Kate Feiffer, Bob Marstall, Tony DiTerlizzi, Rich Michelson, Scott Fischer, Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Mo Willems, Rebecca Guay
First Row: Barbara Diamond Goldin, Peg Davol, Jane Dyer, Jeanne Birdsall, Alice Schertle, Suan Pearson. Second Row: Heidi Stemple, Rebecca Guay, Jeannine Atkins, Jennifer Swender, Mary Azarian, gallery owner Richard Michelson, Mordicai Gerstein, Barry Moser, Rubin Pfeffer. Third Row: Paul Jacobs, Niel Waldman, Scott Fischer, Toni DiTerlizzi, E.B. Lewis.
Front Row:Jeanne Birdsall, Jeff Mack, Rebecca Guay, Ruth Sanderson, Jane Dyer, Barry Moser, Jane Yolen, Barbara Goldin, Leslea Newman, Mordicai Gerstein, Back and Middle Rows: Richard Michelson, Scott Fischer, Tony DiTerlizzi, Diane DeGroat, Shelly Rotner, Neil WaldmanRichard Michelson and Mordicai Gerstein
Simon and Schuster Writers and Illustrators Cocktail Party
Simon and Schuster Publishers Rick Richter, Rubin Pfeffer, Elizabeth Law and editors Kevin Lewis, David Gale, Paula Wiseman party with Pioneer Valley writers and Illustrators, including Holly Black, Kathy Brown, Dina Friedman, Tony DiTerlizzi, Jane Dyer, Brooke Dyer, Scott Fisher, Mordici Gerstein, Barbara Goldin, Rebecca Guay, Norton Juster, Patty MacLachlan, Richard Michelson, Lauren Mills, Barry Moser, Leslea Newman, Dennis Nolan, Shulamuth Oppenheim, Susan Pearson, Ruth Sanderson, Alice Schertle, Heidi Stemple, and Jane Yolen.
15th Annual Children’s Illustration Show
An Homage to Jane Yolen
Jane Yolen (2nd row 4th from left) and gallery owner Rich Michelson, join Barry Moser, Tony DiTerlizzi, Ruth Sanderson, Jane Dyer, Mordicai Gerstein and over 50 other authors and illustrators to celebrate Jane Yolen’s 65th birthday and her 250th book.
14th Annual Children’s Illustration Show
Thomas Locker and Jane Yolen
Norton Juster and Jules Feiffer
14th Annual Children’s Illustration Show gathering
Jane Yolen and Richard Michelson
13th Annual Children’s Illustration Show
Maurice Sendak and Richard Michelson
Maurice Sendak and friends
13th Annual Children’s Illustration Show gathering