Written by Leigh Peck, illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton
A Beautiful Gold Color
4×6.5 in
A Coyote Song
3.5×6.75 in
An Old Locust
4.5×5 in
An Ugly Old Hag
5×4.25 in
At Sundown They Began to Arrive
9.5×7.5 in
Coyote Came Upon a Crowd of Blackbirds
3.5×5.5 in
Coyote Launched Himself Into the Air
2.75×7.25 in
Coyote Reaches for the Sun Study
3.75×4 in
Coyote Smells Dinner Study
4.25×7.5 in
Coyote Was a Bright Green Color
3×5.75 in
Coyote’s Gift to Turkey Girl
4.25×6.5 in
Coyote’s Revenge
4×5 in
Don Coyote Cover
5.25×4 in
Donkey Approaches the Pole Cat
3×6.5 in
Dummy Book Cover Study
9.25×7 in
Fell in the Grey Sand
3.75×6.25 in
Followed by a Wolf and Fox and Grizzly Bear
3×7.25 in
Freeing the Seasons
5×6.5 in
Grabbed the Tail
3.75×6.25 in
He Hurried As Fast As Ever
3.75×6 in
He Was Stuck Fast
4.5×6.75 in
Helps Turtle Win a Race
3.5×7 in
His Failing Wings
2.25×7 in
How the Coyote Flew with the Blackbirds
4.5×7 in
Juan Dropped to His Knees
6.5×5 in
Juan Laughed So
5×7.5 in
Jumping in the River
4.75×5.25 in
Juniper Branched Broke His Fall
5.5×6.5 in
Just Then a Bear Came Along
9.5×6 in
Keep the World from Falling Down
2.5×7.5 in
Lady of the Corn Study
3.25×6 in
Leona and Leon
9.75×7 in
Little Lamb in Trouble
4.25×6.25 in
No Wonder the Coyote is Generally Fat
3.75×7 in
On a Full Stomach
3×6 in
Once More He Passed the Turtle
2.75×7 in
Possum on Fire Study
3.5×4.25 in
Rattlesnake and Rabbit
3.75×7.25 in
Sharing with Raccoon Study
6.25×7.25 in
Singing to Elders Study
4.5×6.25 in
Snake Caught Under a Rock Study
4.25×7.5 in
Some Friendly Skunk
3.25×7.25 in
Stealing Dinner Study
4.5×6.5 in
Tail of the Jack Rabbit
5.75×7 in
The Coyote Family
2.75×7 in
The Deer Rushed in so Fast
9×7.25 in
The Ducks All Closed Their Eyes
4.5×7 in
The Owl Can See Study
2.75×6.5 in
The Pups Are Born in April
3×7 in
The Reflection of the Moon
2.5×6 in
There Was Turtle
4×7 in
Tossing the Hat Study
3.5×5.75 in
Why Coyote Has a Black Nose
3×4.5 in
Wolf is Attacked Study
3.5×7 in
Wolf Loses His Dinner
3×6 in
Your Royal Majesties
3.25×6 in
Small Color Cover Study
6×4.25 in
Colored Photo Stats
A Beautiful Gold Color Colored
4.75×7.25 in
A Beautiful Gold Color Colored II
4.5×7 in
A Coyote Song Colored
3.5×6.75 in
An Old Locust Colored
5×5 in
An Ugly Old Hag Colored
4.75×4.5 in
An Ugly Old Hag Colored II
4.75×4.5 in
At Sundown They Began to Arrive Colored
10×8.25 in
Coyote Came Upon a Crowd of Blackbirds Colored
3.5×5.5 in
Coyote Launched Himself Into the Air Colored
2.75×7.25 in
Coyote Reaches for the Sun Study Colored
4×4 in
Coyote Reaches for the Sun Study Colored II
4×4 in
Coyote Smells Dinner Study Colored
4.5×7.75 in
Coyote Was a Bright Green Color Colored
3×5.75 in
Coyote’s Gift to Turkey Girl Colored
4.5×6.5 in
Coyote’s Revenge Colored
4.25×4.5 in
Don Coyote Cover Colored
10×7.75 in
Donkey Approaches the Pole Cat Study Colored
3.25×6.75 in
Donkey Approaches the Pole Cat Study Colored II
3.25×6.5 in
Fell in the Grey Sand Colored
4.25×3.75 in
Fell in the Grey Sand Colored II
4×3.5 in
Followed by a Wolf and Fox and Grizzly Bear Colored
3×7 in
Followed by a Wolf and Fox and Grizzly Bear Colored II
2.75×7 in
Freeing the Seasons Colored
5.25×6.75 in
Freeing the Seasons Colored II
5.5×6.75 in
Grabbed the Tail Colored
4×6.5 in
Grabbed the Tail Colored II
3.75×6.25 in
He Hurried as Fast as Ever Colored
4×6 in
He Seized the Pot of Fire Color
4.25×5.25 in
He Was Stuck Fast Colored
4.75×6.75 in
He Was Stuck Fast Colored II
4.75×6.75 in
Helps Turtle Win a Race Colored
4.25×7.25 in
Helps Turtle Win a Race Colored II
4.25×7.25 in
How the Coyote Flew with the Blackbirds Colored
4.5×7.5 in
How the Coyote Flew with the Blackbirds Colored II
4.5×7.25 in
Juan Laughed So Colored
5.25×7.5 in
Juan Laughed So Colored II
5.25×7.5 in
Jumping in the River Colored
5.25×5.25 in
Juniper Branches Broke His Fall Colored
10.5×7.75 in
Keep the World from Falling Down Colored
2.75×7.5 in
Lady of the Corn Study Colored
3.5×6 in
Leona and Leon Colored
9.75×7.25 in
Leona and Leon Colored II
4×7.25 in
Leona and Leon Colored III
2×7.5 in
Little Lamb in Trouble Study Colored
4.5×7 in
Little Lamb in Trouble Study Colored II
4.25×6.5 in
No Wonder the Coyote is Generally Fat Colored
4.25×7 in
No Wonder the Coyote is Generally Fat Colored II
4×7 in
On a Full Stomach Study Colored
3×6 in
On a Full Stomach Study Colored II
3×6 in
Only Once More He Passed the Turtle Colored
3×7 in
Only Once More He Passed the Turtle Colored II
3×7 in
Possum on Fire Study Colored
3.5×4.25 in
Rattlesnake and Rabbit Colored
3.5×7.5 in
Rattlesnake and Rabbit Colored II
3.5×7.5 in
Sharing with Raccoon Study Colored
6×7.25 in
Sharing with Racoon Study Colored II
6.25×7.25 in
Singing to Elders Colored
4.5×6.75 in
Snake Caught Under a Rock Study Colored
4.25×7.5 in
Snake Caught Under a Rock Study Colored II
4.25×7.5 in
Some Friendly Skunk Colored
3.25×7 in
Some Friendly Skunk Colored II
3.25×7 in
Stealing Dinner Study Colored
4.75×6.25 in
Tail of the Jack Rabbit Colored
6×7.5 in
The Coyote Family Colored
3×7 in
The Coyote Family Colored II
2.75×7 in
The Ducks All Closed Their Eyes Colored
4.5×7 in
The Owl Can See Study Colored
2.25×6.5 in
The Pups Are Born in April Colored
3.25×7 in
The Pups are Born in April Colored II
3×7 in
The Reflection of the Moon Colored
3×6 in
There Was Turtle Colored
4×7 in
There Was Turtle Colored II
4×7 in
Title Page Study Colored
10×7.5 in
Tossing the Hat Study Colored
3.75×5.75 in
Why Coyote Has a Black Nose Colored
3.25×4.5 in
Wolf is Attacked Colored
3.75×7.25 in
Wolf Loses His Dinner Colored
3×6 in
Your Royal Majesties Colored
3.75×6 in
Your Royal Majesties Colored II
3.5×6 in
Photo Stats
A Coyote Song B&W
3.5×7 in
An Old Locust B&W
4.75×5 in
At Sundown They Began to Arrive B&W
4.5×7 in
Coyote Came Upon a Crowd of Blackbirds B&W
3×4.75 in
Coyote Launched Himself into the Air B&W
3×4.5 in
Coyote Reaches for the Sun Inverse Copy
4×4 in
Coyote Smells Dinner Study B&W
4×7.75 in
Coyote Smells Dinner Study Inverse B&W
4×8.25 in
Coyote Was a Bright Green Color B&W
3×5.75 in
Coyote’s Gift to Turkey Girl B&W
4.5×7 in
Coyote’s Revenge B&W
4.25×4.5 in
Don Coyote Cover B&W
5.25×4.25 in
Donkey Approaches the Pole Cat Study Inverse B&W
3×6.75 in
He Hurried as Fast as Ever B&W
4×6 in
He Seized the Pot of Fire B&W
4.25×5.25 in
Juan Dropped to His Knees B&W
6.5×6 in
Jumping in the River B&W
5×5.5 in
Just Then a Bear Came Along B&W
9.5×6.25 in
Keep the World From Falling Down B&W
2.75×7.25 in
Lady of the Corn Study B&W
3.25×6 in
Lady of the Corn Study Inverse B&W
3.25×6 in
Little Lamb in Trouble Inverse B&W
4×6.75 in
On a Full Stomach Inverse B&W
3×6.5 in
Possum on Fire Study B&W
3.5×4.25 in
Possum on Fire Study Inverse B&W
3.75×4.5 in
Sharing with Raccoon Inverse B&W
6.25×8 in
Singing to Elders B&W
4.5×6.5 in
Singing to Elders Inverse B&W
4.25×6.5 in
Snake Caught Under a Rock Inverse B&W
4.5×7.5 in
Stealing Dinner Study B&W
4.5×6.25 in
Stealing Dinner Study Inverse B&W
5.25×6.25 in
Tail of the Jack Rabbit B&W
6×4.5 in
The Ducks All Closed Their Eyes B&W
4.5×7 in
The Owl Can see Inverse B&W
2.75×6.75 in
The Reflection of the Moon B&W
2.75×6 in
Tossing the Hat Inverse B&W
3.5×5.75 in
Tossing the Hat Study B&W
3.5×5.75 in
Why Coyote Has a Black Nose B&W
3×4.5 in
Wolf Gets Attacked Inverse B&W
3.5×7 in
Wolf is Attacked B&W
3.5×7 in
Wolf Loses His Dinner B&W
3×6 in
Sketchbook Back Studies
10.25×7 in
Sketchbook Bears
5.75×5.25 in
Sketchbook Bird
9.5×7.5 in
Sketchbook Blackbirds
10.25×7.75 in
Sketchbook Blackbirds II
9.5×8.25 in
Sketchbook Blackbirds III
10×8 in
Sketchbook Blackbirds III Verso
9.75×7.5 in
Sketchbook Color Coyote
5×7 in
Sketchbook Cover Ideas
10.25×7.5 in
Sketchbook Coyote
10×8 in
Sketchbook Coyote Falling
10×7.25 in
Sketchbook Coyote II
7.25×6.5 in
Sketchbook Coyote III
10×7.5 in
Sketchbook Coyote IV
9×8 in
Sketchbook Coyote V
9×8 in
Sketchbook Coyote VI
9×7.5 in
Sketchbook Coyote VII
9×5.5 in
Sketchbook Coyote VIII
9×7 in
Sketchbook Coyote’s Coat
10×8.25 in
Sketchbook Coyote’s Revenge
10.25×8.5 in
Sketchbook Deer
10.5×7.5 in
Sketchbook Deer II
10.5×8 in
Sketchbook Deer III
7.5×6.5 in
Sketchbook Don Coyote Cover
4×4.25 in
Sketchbook Ducks
9.25×8 in
Sketchbook Emu
8×5.5 in
Sketchbook Emu II
8×5.5 in
Sketchbook Faces and Foot
5.5×5.5 in
Sketchbook Fox
9×7 in
Sketchbook Fox II
9.5×8 in
Sketchbook Fox III
10.5×7.5 in
Sketchbook Fox IV
8×7 in
Sketchbook Fox V
8.5×7.5 in
Sketchbook Fox VI
7.25×5.5 in
Sketchbook Goose
7×5.5 in
Sketchbook Juan Laughed
10×7.75 in
Sketchbook Lion
3.5×7.75 in
Sketchbook Lion Heads
2.5×5.5 in
Sketchbook Lion II
10.25×8 in
Sketchbook Locust and Opossum
9.5×7 in
Sketchbook Old Hag
8.25×7.5 in
Sketchbook Owl
9.25×7.25 in
Sketchbook Owl II
5×6 in
Sketchbook Owl III
10×7.75 in
Sketchbook Owl IV
7.5×6.5 in
Sketchbook Pajama Boy
9.25×6.5 in
Sketchbook Pigeon
9.25×8 in
Sketchbook Pole Cat
7×7.5 in
Sketchbook Possum Tail on Fire
5×5.5 in
Sketchbook Pouring from a Pitcher
10.25×7.5 in
Sketchbook Rabbit
9.25×7 in
Sketchbook Raccoon and Coyote
10×7.5 in
Sketchbook Raccoon and Owl
11×8 in
Sketchbook Rattlesnake
8.5×7.5 in
Sketchbook Rattlesnake and Rabbit
7.5×7 in
Sketchbook Sheep
8×6.25 in
Sketchbook Squirrel
9.5×6.25 in
Sketchbook Tail of the Rabbit
10.75×7.75 in
Sketchbook Tillie was a Trolley Car
8×8 in
Sketchbook Turkey
8.25×7.5 in
Sketchbook Turtle
5.25×7 in
Sketchbook Turtle II
8.5×8 in
Sketchbook Turtle III
9.5×6.5 in
Sketchbook Turtle Racing
10.5×8.5 in
Sketchbook Turtle Racing II
10.75×8.25 in
Sketchbook Wolf
8.5×6.25 in
Sketchbook Wolf Loses His Dinner
9.25×8.5 in
Don Coyote Jacket Cover Proof
10.5×22 in
Don Coyote Title Page Proof
9×12 in
Jacket Cover Layout Guide
9.5×16.5 in